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Ausstellungskatalog «tierisch!» – Englische Ausgabe «animalistic!»

One Theme – Four Exhibitions in Basel

Autoren: Bjarne, Hans; Gorgerat, Laurent; Gredig, Mathias; Lovász, Stephanie; Münzner, Isabel; Orland, Barbara; Regehr, Ursula; Schmid, Anna; Thomsen; Voirol, Beatrice; Wild, Markus

Verlag: Hatje Cantz
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Buch, Softcover, 192 Seiten, 20.0 x 27.0 x 1.8 cm
ISBN: 978-3-7757-5123-0

CHF 5.00 An Lager

Four cultural history museums in Basel joined forces for this ambitious project on the relationship between humans and animals. In the summer of 2021, they realized four individual exhibitions, each with a different focus.

Exhibitions at Museum of Antiquities Basel & Ludwig Collection, Basel Historical Museum, Museum of Cultures Basel, and Pharmacy Museum of the University of Basel address the topic from different angles against the backdrop of their respective research focus. The results of the individual projects become visible in this joint publication. It reveals ambivalences, dependencies and serious historical shifts within the human-animal relationship over the centuries – from the harnessing of animals to their exaltation as deities.

Animalistic! One Theme – Four Exhibitions is a project initiated by Museum of Antiquities Basel & Ludwig Collection, Basel Historical Museum, Museum of Cultures Basel, and Pharmacy Museum of the University of Basel, culminating in four exhibitions and a joint publication.


Direktion & Verwaltung
Postfach | Steinenberg 4
CH-4001 Basel

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08.30 – 12 | 13.30 – 17 Uhr
Empfang: +41 61 205 86 00

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